What are “Cofactors”?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Our MethylPro line of products includes the option to take your daily l-methylfolate encapsulated with its “cofactors”. Read on to learn more about cofactors and why they might be an important addition to maximize the benefits of your MethylPro methylfolate.

Cofactors are essentially helper molecules that … Read more

Which MethylPro Formula is Right for Me?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Once you and your trusted health care professional have decided that supplementing with L-methylfolate is right for you, the next step is deciding on a dose and MethylPro formula. At MethylPro, we offer:

  • L-Methylfolate as a standalone product in six different levels of dosage (1, 2.5,
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Reading Time: 7 minutes

A lot of our MethylPro customers take methylfolate because of an inherited MTHFR mutation. Unfortunately, having this particular genetic difference makes us more susceptible to mental health challenges [1]. However, symptoms of mood imbalance can look very similar to adrenal burnout. If you live a high-stress … Read more

Why are Vitamins Important?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you’re scrolling through natural health posts on social media or internet blogs, you may have noticed a hot debate topic these days seems to be: why are vitamins important? Do we really need supplemental vitamins and minerals when we think we’re eating a clean and … Read more

How to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time

Reading Time: 9 minutes

So, you want to know how to stop feeling tired all the time? First, let’s talk about why you are tired. Then we’ve got suggestions for some natural energy boosters. 

When your mood is low, your energy levels often follow. Some of this may be psychological, … Read more