10 Tips for Self Love and Mental Health

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Whether or not you are partnered this Valentine’s day, we invite you to consider the most important relationship you are in—the one with yourself. Self-love isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a transformative practice that can significantly impact our mental health and overall well-being. In this blog … Read more

MTHFR and Your Heart

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Unraveling the Connection Between MTHFR Mutation and Cardiovascular Health

Thanks to decades of DNA research, we know there is an intricate relationship between our genetics and our health. MTHFR is just one specific example of a gene with potential impact on numerous systems throughout the body. … Read more

What is MTHFR?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When a baby is conceived, they inherit 2 copies of every gene; one from each parent. MTHFR is the name of one such gene out of a genetic code of thousands. The gene codes for an enzyme called “methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase”, which is responsible for the conversion … Read more


Reading Time: 4 minutes

Should I eat a special MTHFR diet? 

Once you have confirmed you have an inherited MTHFR variant through genetic testing, the first nutritional recommendation you will likely get is to start methylfolate supplementation. While this may be the most important missing piece, there are other foods/nutrients … Read more

What are “Cofactors”?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Our MethylPro line of products includes the option to take your daily l-methylfolate encapsulated with its “cofactors”. Read on to learn more about cofactors and why they might be an important addition to maximize the benefits of your MethylPro methylfolate.

Cofactors are essentially helper molecules that … Read more

The Link Between Gut Health and Mental Health

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Winter holidays are often a time of indulgence. For some of us it’s the spread of treats at the company holiday party. For others it’s a comfort food binge when holiday overwhelm strikes. Either way, our regular rules over healthy eating often get relaxed at the … Read more

Foods to Avoid For Mental Health

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We have plenty of suggestions on this blog and on our website for boosting your mood. The other side of the coin, however, are the behaviors and foods to avoid for mental health.

Spoiler alert: there is often an overlap between foods you should avoid, and … Read more

How Does Sleep Affect Mental Health?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Is there a link between mood, rest, and recovery?

If you’re researching “how does sleep affect mental health?” chances are, you’ve struggled with both. Mental health and sleep are so interconnected that both fatigue during the day and difficulty sleeping at night are much more prevalent … Read more

Which MethylPro Formula is Right for Me?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Once you and your trusted health care professional have decided that supplementing with L-methylfolate is right for you, the next step is deciding on a dose and MethylPro formula. At MethylPro, we offer:

  • L-Methylfolate as a standalone product in six different levels of dosage (1, 2.5,
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Reading Time: 7 minutes

A lot of our MethylPro customers take methylfolate because of an inherited MTHFR mutation. Unfortunately, having this particular genetic difference makes us more susceptible to mental health challenges [1]. However, symptoms of mood imbalance can look very similar to adrenal burnout. If you live a high-stress … Read more